Snakes on Mallorca

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This article was written in response to many questions from our readers. More and more people are afraid of snakes on Mallorca. Originally, there were probably no snakes on Germany’s favorite island. All species came with the help of humans. For 2 species of snake, this was several centuries ago or even longer. These are therefore now counted as native snakes. At least 3 new species of snake have conquered Mallorca in recent years. Because there is plenty of food for snakes on the Balearic Islands and few natural enemies, the animals are spreading across the entire island at an enormous pace.

The good news: The old and new snakes on Mallorca are all relatively harmless. The only two poisonous snakes are so-called snake snakes, the hooded snake and the lizard snake. They do not have fangs in the front part of their mouths, only further back. This means that poison is rarely transmitted when a person is bitten. In addition, the venom of the two species of snake is comparatively weak.

The bad news: In recent years, snakes have become a plague on Mallorca. The reptiles also like to come into human settlements and even stay in houses. The animals are looking for food such as mice and rats. Since the rodents often live in human settlements, the snakes also come to the buildings in search of food. Even non-venomous snakes can bite. The bite wounds are often deep and unpleasant. Animal bites are always dangerous (risk of infection) and should always be shown to a doctor quickly.

The snake plague: The government of Mallorca is trying to combat the new snake species. For example, traps are being set up. However, as some species have already spread across large parts of the island, this will be very difficult. Many people are afraid of snakes. Many tourists and locals have found a 2-metre-long animal in their hotel, in their house, on the balcony or in the garden. There is an emergency service with an emergency number including professional snake catcher. Many shocked people also call the police emergency number. The problem of the snake plague on Mallorca will probably continue to generate many headlines in the coming years. A solution to the snake problem is not in sight.

It cannot be ruled out that one day poisonous snakes will also be introduced to Mallorca. It is just fortunate that the three new snake species on Mallorca (see below) are all less dangerous. Possible candidates for dangerous poisonous snakes would be, for example, the snub-nosed viper, the asp viper or the adder. All three snakes occur on the mainland of Spain, but not on Mallorca (information as of 2025).

Below is an overview of the old and new snake species on the island of Mallorca.

Hooded snake (venomous)

The hooded snake (Latin: Macroprotodon cucullatus) is the only venomous snake on Mallorca that has been present on the Spanish island for a long time. The snake belongs to the so-called false smooth snakes. These are snake species from the family of vipers. The hooded snake, like many false smooth snakes, only has teeth with venom glands (so-called furrowed teeth) in the back of the mouth. The venomous teeth are mainly used when the prey is already in the mouth. In an attack bite, for example on humans, poison is rarely transmitted. This is why poisoning from snake bites is rare on Mallorca. English: false smooth snake, Spanish: culebra de cogulla or falsa serpiente lisa

Viper snake

The viper snake (Latin: Natrix maura) was introduced to Mallorca by humans a long time ago. It is more of a water snake that can also swim well. Its diet includes fish, newts, frogs, lizards and the like. The viper snake is found throughout Spain. There are also viper snakes in Portugal, the south of France, the south of Switzerland (around Geneva), the north of Italy and the north of Africa. English: viperine snake, Spanish: culebra viperina

Horseshoe snake

The horseshoe snake (Latin: Hemorrhois hippocrepis) was introduced to Mallorca around 15 years ago, making it one of the three new snake species on the island. Horseshoe snakes can also now be found on Ibiza and Formentera. 15 years ago, many large trees (especially olive trees) were brought from the mainland to the Balearic Islands. The snakes probably came to Mallorca with the trees. The horseshoe snakes on Mallorca are on average larger than on the mainland. This is a sign that they find plenty of food on Mallorca. This is why they reproduce very quickly. The snakes often grow to over 1.5 metres in length on Mallorca. According to some reports, the horseshoe snake is only or mainly found in the north-east of Mallorca. However, there have also been reports of finds in other parts of the island. The snake is now widespread on Formentera and Ibiza. English: Horseshoe whip snake, Spanish: culebra de herradura

Lizard snake (venomous)

The lizard snake (Latin: Malpolon monspessulanus), like the hooded snake (see above), is a relatively harmless venomous snake for humans, as its fangs are far back in the mouth. This snake is also now found on Mallorca. However, according to a newspaper article, it is still rare. Only a few specimens were discovered up until 2015. We do not know whether this has changed in the meantime. English: Montpellier snake, Spanish: culebra bastarda

Ladder snake

The ladder snake (Latin, Spanish: Rhinechis scalaris, also: Elaphe scalaris) was probably accidentally introduced to Mallorca on cargo ships. Although the snake is not poisonous, it is still considered to be rather aggressive. It bites quickly and violently when it thinks it is in danger. The animals are usually over 1 meter long. There are probably significantly more horseshoe snakes on Mallorca than ladder snakes. However, the non-poisonous ladder snake is probably much more common than the poisonous lizard snake. English: Ladder snake, Spanish: culebra de escalera

Status of the article: 2023 to early 2025, some of the sources used are several years old

See also:   Fauna Mallorca

Map of Mallorca

Snakes Spain mainland   Snakes Italy

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